Sunday, October 22, 2006

Introductions are in order...

This is the second go round for me in the blogging arena... still trying to get used to all the techy ins and outs. I think I need to borrow someone's inner geek until I get the knack of this.

First, a couple of things about me. My name's Dave, and I live in Charleston, SC. I'm self employed as an interior/exterior paint contractor (right now). I've got a girlfriend who works a LOT, and a dog who sleeps more often than not. I love boats, but I no longer have one. I love classic cars, but I no longer have one of those either. I live in a tiny ghetto hovel. Well, not really very ghetto... and it's not really a hovel. Tiny, it is. My lease is up in December, though, so I may step up from hovel to shanty. We'll see if I can afford it.

I'm not sure how often I'll be posting here, but keep an eye peeled. Also watch for a domain name change... I'm still trying to find adequate hosting for



jamie said...

DaveBlog. Rock!

Donna said...
