Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Face the floor and find the narcotics..

It's been a hectic couple of weeks since coming back from Texas.. I got sick right off the bat. Some sort of chest bug that beat me down over the course of a week. I finally went to the doc last Thursday and was prescribed some antibiotics (I'm sort of against the way antibiotics are prescribed so quickly.. but the God's honest is I was feeling so cruddy I'd have taken dog food if the doc wrote me a script for it) and some narcotic cough syrup. Oh, yes. Cough syrup with hydrocodone in it. Twas good, indeed, but was consumed all too quickly. I felt wonderful for two and a half days though. I'm still feeling a bit rough, but light years better than last week.

Had an intenesly interesting day at work today.. was part of the delivery and setup of a fairly advanced proning therapy bed to a patient in cardiothoracic ICU at a local hospital. It's a fascinating piece of equipment, and pretty effective as well. After we placed the patient and he was proned, his oxygen saturation level went from 72% to 96% within just a few minutes. I can't help but think that it must have been a real smack-yourself-in-the-forehead moment when it was discovered the pulmonary benefits simply turning a patient over has. Fascinating stuff.

Not much else going on in my world, with the notable exception of dinner with my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday tomorrow night. I've been looking forward to it all week long, and cant wait to begin our evening together. I'm on call this week though, which is the only shadow on the horizon. Hopefully I won't get called out for a delivery in the middle of dinner. Fingers crossed. Toes too.

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